Thursday, September 17, 2009

no raspberries, just apples and strawberries

September 17, 2009 004
After a book the night before that had raspberry cookies in it....the following conversation. (Pictures from our trip to Independence Hall this week case you want to skip the baking talk! ^^)

me: So, let's make some peanut butter cookies.

O: No, raspberry.

me: We don't have raspberries.

O: Let's check in the frigerator.  

cue sound of laughter from nana and tata on the phone as we had this conversation a couple of times before actual baking commenced.

me: See, we don't have any raspberries. 

O: We do. 

me: How about peanut butter cookies?

O: Raspberry, we can buy at store. 

me: We'll have to get raspberries later then.  We have strawberries. 

O: Let's check.  Ooooo, apple and strawberry.  

me: Ok, we'll make strawberry cookies. 

O: No, apple AND strawberry. Now we need recipe.

So, we made up cookies, improvising along the way, with little chunks of apple throughout and strawberry jam on top.  Peanut butter cookies will have to wait for another day!

September 17, 2009 009


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