Friday, August 14, 2009

First days


We finally got all the blog issues resolved.  Choosing a name is much harder than it seems and I'm still not sure this works.  But, like my never ending quest for the perfect tatoo, if I waited any longer for the perfect name/design you wouldn't hear from us until we were back. 

So, onto the arrival.  We got into Korea around 3 in the morning along with the typhoon that had hit China a few days earlier.  The flight had been better than expected with O. getting about 7 hours of sleep and enjoying all the in-flight personal games and movies.  We were awake and ready to see Korea.  Unfortunately, Korea was dark and rainy.  

Through our jetlagged haze, we got to our apartment, set off the panic alarm while looking for the bathroom light and had security come to our door, went shopping at Lotte marte, fell asleep by 4 pm which meant we were awake by 1:30 am, had amazing food, realized that Cheonan is not the prettiest city but the people already are amazingly friendly, and finally three days later had dinner past 3 pm and slept in till dawn.  

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Meal from the Lotte Mart - 9,500 won which is about $8 U.S.  It is a type of dolsot bi bim bap - rice, bean sprouts, beef, octopus, spicy pepper sauce, seaweed all on a sizzling hot plate like fajitas sometimes come on.  Amazing and fed all three of us...I think the Acme at home should have these.

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Our apartment complex is to the right in the picture - these huge sets of apartments are everywhere in Cheonan it seems as we've been walking around.  Notice also the Dunkin Donuts across the street to the left :)

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On our walks through Cheonan, we noticed that every spare bit of land had been transformed into growing spaces for hot peppers, corn, squash, beans and some other plants that I didn't recognize.  

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