O's kindergarten open house was this morning. He was so excited all week about having us come to his school and see what he does every day.
Here we are modeling the official "Saemi kid" gym uniform.
Here O. is with his lovely teacher.
Some of O's artwork.
Clay masterpieces.
Some singing.
Racing to see which parent-child team can eat Peppero sticks the fastest. Don't think you would see this in the states.
After reading Hansel and Gretel, each student got their own cardboard house to decorate.
As you can see, O. took this pretty seriously.
However, we soon discovered as we looked around the classroom, we were the only parents to "let" our child decorate all on his own. This was also some of the only time that the dads were involved in the day's activities.
Z.'s activities for the day involved getting teethers into her mouth...
and practicing some walking with dad's help.
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