Sunday, June 20, 2010

Father's Day


As I was thinking of what to write for Father's Day, I realized how much I edit my thoughts and what I choose to write about here.  Sometimes I feel as if I have to downplay what a good experience this has been for our family because 

    1. I know that not everyone is lucky enough to be in our situation and I know firsthand how difficult it is to have to work even when that isn't what you want to be doing and... 

    2. I know that this is difficult for family who don't get to see us (let's not kid, we all know it's really O. that they are missing!) as often as they would like and feel as if they are missing out on experiences with us. 

That being said, it has been amazing to have the opportunity to be in a completely different culture and have only one parent working full-time.  In particular, as I reflect on Father's day, I realize how amazing S. is as a father and how nice it has been for him here.  He is only a 20 minute walk away from work, he doesn't have to bring work home with him as much as he used to, and without having to get up at 5 am every morning, the whole family is a lot less tired.  It makes for a lot better parenting and a lot more happiness for us as a family.  

I see S. making breakfast for O. in the morning and playing with all the neighborhood kids after work at the playgrounds around our apartment.  I see him looking up information about all the new flags O. wants to paint as we watch FIFA games.  I see him and O. playing catch, soccer, bowling, and racing.  I see him explaining experiments as we all go up to school Thursday nights for environmental club.  I hear his voice as O. explains to me the next day what carbon dioxide is or why germs like E. coli are bad for you.  I see him read to O. and joke with O. and yes, discipline O. all in that wonderfully calm manner of his that most of you know.  I see him giving O.  piggyback rides, letting him climb all over him, and giving him hugs and butterfly kisses before bed.  I see what a wonderful father O. has and I think again how lucky I am to have this amazing family.  

Happy Father's Day S. and to all the other father's out there.  We love you for everything you do for us.  



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