Note that there are no longer socks on the poor boy's hand, but finished mittens. :)
Just like milkweed pods, but on vines...
Picking persimmons first with a ladder.
Warming up inside doing some coloring before leaving for home.
Just a quick note about the ginko nut picking.
Koreans are the only people I know that will look at the fallen fruits of a tree, note that they smell like the most awful smell imaginable, and then think, maybe we can figure out a way to eat them. You pick the fruits up off the ground, put them in huge bowls of water to wash off the stinky fruit part, then do a second washing to get rid of the outer coating further, then dry the nuts until they are a lovely shade of white. (Ours are out on the "veranda") You then eat them in a number of ways - in soups, with rice, and simply put in the microwave then cracked out of their shells like pistachios.
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