Wednesday, November 18, 2009

on the farm

Got to go out to Asan yesterday with our friends. It was COLD, but we were able to pick apples, persimmons and ginko nuts. We also spent a lot of time with the one one-eyed chicken. Good times.

 Note that there are no longer socks on the poor boy's hand, but finished mittens.  :)



Just like milkweed pods, but on vines...


and just as fun to play with.


Picking persimmons first with a ladder.


Then the apples. 





Warming up inside doing some coloring before leaving for home.  


Just a quick note about the ginko nut picking. 


 Koreans are the only people I know that will look at the fallen fruits of a tree, note that they smell like the most awful smell imaginable, and then think, maybe we can figure out a way to eat them.  You pick the fruits up off the ground, put them in huge bowls of water to wash off the stinky fruit part, then do a second washing to get rid of the outer coating further, then dry the nuts until they are a lovely shade of white.  (Ours are out on the "veranda")  You then eat them in a number of ways - in soups, with rice, and simply put in the microwave then cracked out of their shells like pistachios.  



Thursday, November 12, 2009

food reviews, korea style

Beer O’Clock

English: Spoken, on menu

Address: Near Hyundai Department Store in Sinchon 

Subway: Sinchon Station, line No. 2, exit 1

Hours: 6 p.m. until late on Mondays through Fridays; 3 p.m. to late on Saturdays; 4 p.m. to late on Sundays

Dress: Casual

Reading the newspaper online, I came across a review of the restaurant "Beer O'Clock." So many things to point out, so many things to wonder about.  It explains a lot about Korean culture though.  First off, the address - can you imagine listing an address like this in the states?  "Near the Montgomery Mall...good luck finding us."  Or the hours of operation?  "6 pm until late, or we feel like closing, or until something good comes on tv."  And really, the dress is casual?  At a place called Beer O'Clock?  I'm shocked.  

fall update

The beautiful weather we've been having has been quite conducive to practicing one's golf swing...


(yes, those are socks on his hands....i'm working on the mittens.  at least i finished the hat!)





...practicing writing one's name...






...and generally being cute. Hope that you all are enjoying fall too.  Oh yeah, today is also the day that the "why's" started...good thing he's so cute. 




Thursday, November 5, 2009

what happened to october?

Wow, I'm a really bad blogger.  S. worked for three straight weeks in a row - including a three day retreat for one of the weekends.  Not that it's an excuse, but that's all I have, so I'm going with it.  

So, October flew by in a rush of fall leaves and mums.  Now that we're all back to a more regular schedule, I hope to post a little more frequently (I know, more frequently would be posting at all....I'm working on it...promise!)



Bugil School's walkway - it's going to be gorgeous in the spring as well. 

October 28, 2009 026

Mum show at a local college.  

October 28, 2009 045October 28, 2009 016October 28, 2009 024October 28, 2009 021

Map of Korea in mums

October 28, 2009 037

October 28, 2009 088

October 28, 2009 081

October 28, 2009 087

October 28, 2009 060October 28, 2009 098

The mum show also showcased some of the fashion students' work, including hair and makeup.  

October 28, 2009 102

O. appreciated the makeup display

October 28, 2009 123

October 28, 2009 122 

Breaking up beans and throwing them in front of a fan to separate the outer shell from the heavier beans.  Notice the train feet away in the background.